What's New in Top Hat
The next level in teaching and learning
The best methods for teaching and learning in higher education are always changing. That’s why Top Hat is committed to harnessing the latest technology, including generative AI, to create features that are both innovative and evidence-based.
Discover the newest ways to level up the higher education experience.

With Class Threads, a conversation can start anywhere
Questions can pop up anytime, anywhere—not just during lectures or office hours. Class Threads facilitates peer-to-peer learning asynchronously by letting students ask questions and exchange ideas while working through assignments. This innovative feature takes the digital conversations students are already having and puts them directly into course content, giving them the best context to share knowledge with their peers. This also helps create a sense of belonging, which has shown to have a positive impact on student success.1
1 Tyton Partners, Listening to Learners: Increasing Belonging In And out Of The Classroom, 2023
Introducing Ace, a human-centered application of AI for educators and students
Top Hat is extremely proud to announce the latest milestone in our mission to make education more effective, inclusive, and accessible: Ace, our platform’s new AI-powered assistant. Designed to help create better teaching and learning experiences for both educators and students, today Ace offers AI-enabled support for studying and course prep. This is just the beginning—Ace’s ability to impact higher education will continue to develop and evolve the more it’s used in Top Hat.
Discover AceAce for students
Now when students are looking for help on assignments, they don’t have to leave our platform to find assistance. Ace, Top Hat’s AI-powered assistant, offers support, when and where students need it. They can ask Ace questions about what they’re learning, turning their coursework into a conversation that inspires them to work through the material with confidence.
Discover AceAce for educators
Ace makes it easier and faster to integrate low-stakes assessments into course content with AI-powered questions. With a click, educators can use Ace to generate questions, hints, and explanations based on surrounding content being created in Top Hat Pages. The generated content can be added directly to the material or edited, saving educators time while still providing full control over their course material.
Discover Ace
In Beta - Coming Soon
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math readiness
Anyone can be a “math person” with the right tools and mindset. Our mobile-first platform uses personalized, interactive learning technology to guide students in building foundational math skills. With a tailored study plan and our unique context driven approach, students work through productive practice to gain confidence to succeed, closing the achievement gap by showing every student they can become good at math.
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Explore Top Hat’s dynamic courseware. We’re your partner in transforming student engagement—wherever and whenever learning takes place.