Authoring with Top Hat

Create your dream interactive textbook. Earn royalties for your hard work.

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500,000+Students taught with Top Hat textbooks

800+Textbooks authored with Top Hat

Engaging and interactive

Create a textbook students actually want to read

Give students course materials as engaging as your teaching. Pack your interactive textbook with videos, GIFs and high-quality images (we let you choose from more than 350 million of them). Produce something that reflects your own unique classroom and voice.

Create Your Textbook
Easy to use

Authoring has never been easier

Write your book directly in Top Hat or copy and paste in content you’ve already created. Add interactive questions to your heart’s content. Your students will learn better and you can easily track how they’re doing.

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Rewarding and affordable

Turn your hard work into rewards

Top Hat textbooks are a win-win: You get royalties when your work is adopted in your course and students pay half the price they would for a textbook from a big box publisher. What’s not to like?

Expert support

We’ll give you all the help you need

From the first word to the final period, you’ll have our full support. We set you up with a dedicated project management and instructional design expert and give you access to editorial services. We’ll keep you on track and help you finish your title in as little as six months.

Dedicated and experienced

We know how to get the job done

We’ve helped professors create more than 800 textbooks and course packs, custom-built for their classes. Join a community of authors who have improved the learning experience for 500,000+ students.

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