Crafting a Strategy
Sam Holloway, Mark Meckler
Crafting a Strategy’s Strategic Management textbook is a result of ten years interviewing business owners about how business schools failed to teach students strategic thinking. Our industry of choice is the craft beer industry, which has seen incredible growth as consumers flock to small and independent craft breweries. By listening to what craft beer business owners wanted, we realized existing strategic management textbooks were not working.

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Table of Contents for Crafting a Strategy
- Crafting a Strategy
- Welcome to Crafting a Strategy - Start Here! Edit
- Module 1: Strategic Thinking and Leadership
- Module 2: Goals, Governance and Leadership
- Module 3: External Analysis
- Module 4: Analyzing A Firm’s Internal Capabilities
- Module 5: Industry Disruption, Value Chain Disruption and Firm Level Innovation
- Module 6: Managing a Profitable Innovation Process
- Module 7: Strategic Control Systems
- Module 8: Marketing Strategy
- Module 9: Corporate Strategy
- Module 10: Evaluating and Resetting Goals and Strategies