Applied Marketing Research: From Insights To Action
Steven Litt
This ‘e-Reader’ emphasizes ‘down & dirty’ practicality on key topics in Applied Marketing Research; it's purpose-built for students who want to work in Marketing or Management, and must understand Applied Marketing Research, in order to… 1. transform data into insight; 2. solve marketing problems; 3. communicate solutions ie to present and defend actionable recommendations (to management or business partners). 4. critique other people’s solutions (whether from outside agencies/partners, or from staff/colleagues).

Top Hat Interactive eText
requires a join code from instructor

Table of Contents for Applied Marketing Research: From Insights To Action
- Weekly Key Point audio-enabled decks
- W22-MKM701SAA
- Instructor Course Pack Jan2021
- Exercises for in or between classes
- Exercise SOLUTIONS (PRIVATE!- Pls keep secure; no prolonged/ broad-scale posting)
- VIDEOS-AMRLitt-FromInsight-5thEd1.pdf
- Assignment Bank
- Mid-Semester Course Evaluation + IA Textbook Survey
- Weekly Key Point audio-enabled decks
- W22-MKM701SAA
- Instructor Course Pack Jan2021
- Exercises for in or between classes
- Exercise SOLUTIONS (PRIVATE!- Pls keep secure; no prolonged/ broad-scale posting)
- VIDEOS-AMRLitt-FromInsight-5thEd1.pdf