Health Care Ethics in Canada, Third Edition
Françoise Baylis, Kirstin Borgerson, Susan Sherwin, Barry Hoffmaster
The third edition of Health Care Ethics in Canada builds on the commitment to Canadian content established in earlier editions without sacrificing breadth or rigor. Through a collection of selected readings, this textbook covers core issues while simultaneously bringing a fresh new perspective based on recent developments in health care. It is an up-to-date, comprehensive textbook that brings a wide range of perspectives and issues to the table on the social and institutional settings of health care delivery and the role that culture plays. This textbook aims to provide a variety of Canadian perspectives on both longstanding and emerging trends in Canadian health care.

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Table of Contents for Health Care Ethics in Canada, Third Edition
- Front Matter
- Chapter 1: Theory and Method
- Chapter 2: Canadian Health Care
- Chapter 3: Challenges for Canadian Health Care
- Chapter 4: Public Health
- Chapter 5: Patients and Providers
- Chapter 6: Autonomy and Informed Consent
- Chapter 7: Clinical Research
- Chapter 8: Reproduction
- Chapter 9: End-of-Life Issues
- Chapter 10: Contested Therapies and Technologies