Transitions and Transformations in World History
Richard Byers, Victoria Hightower
Transitions and Transformations in World History 1500-present is a modular text that allows instructors to choose their path through the narrative of world history from roughly 1500 to the present. The modules emphasize five main themes: Competition and Contestation, Globalization and Contact, Imperialism and Resistance, Power, Oppression and Opposition, and Intellectual Change and Development. The modules can support either political, intellectual, social, economic, geographical or blended, custom approaches to teaching world history depending on how an instructor chooses to order the modules. The text allows for maximum flexibility and affordability for both instructors and students.

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Table of Contents for Transitions and Transformations in World History
- Transitions and Transformations in World History - Unit 1
- Unit 1
- Unit 2
- Unit 3