Origins: Canadian History to Confederation, 8th Edition
Robert Wardhaugh, Alan MacEachern, R. Douglas Francis, Richard Jones, Donald B. Smith
Origins and its post-Confederation partner Destinies continue their unrivalled ability to tell the story of the history of Canada by balancing different types of history while maintaining a coherent narrative that does not drown the reader in detail. In their new editions, these books have made even greater investment in student engagement, from beautiful production values to a careful integration of social history, with relevant examples that show readers history in the novels and films around them.

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Table of Contents for Origins: Canadian History to Confederation, 8th Edition
- Front Matter
- Chapter 1: The First Peoples
- Part One: Early European Settlement to 1760
- Part Two: Colonial Societies in British North America, 1760 to 1815
- Part Three: The Canadas, 1815 to the 1860s
- Part Four: Colonies and Hinterlands, 1815 to 1867
- Part Five: Toward Confederation
- Additional Student Resources
- Instructor Resources