Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 6th Edition
Julian Roberts, Michelle Grossman
Criminal Justice in Canada, A Reader is celebrating its 20th Anniversary! The new 6th edition Reader is a collection of primarily introductory level readings and aimed at any course with either a primary or secondary focus on the criminal justice system. In addition to exploring key and controversial topics, the text gives voice to participants from all aspects of the criminal justice system. These include readings from a judge, a defense attorney, a crown attorney, probation officer, police officer, as well as a life prisoner. It also offers essays on current issues in criminal justice and encourages students to debate and think critically about hot topics such as racial discrimination in the criminal court system or plea-bargaining. All returning chapters have been extensively revised and there are nine new readings, including a reading on Race, Ethnicity, and Criminal Justice Statistics by Alwasco-Owusu-Bempah and Paul Millar, and Indigenous Incarceration in Canada, by Andrew Reid and Julian V. Roberts. Additionally, there is a new foreword written by The Honorable Patrick Healy, from the Quebec Court of Appeal in Canada, to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Reader.

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Table of Contents for Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 6th Edition
- Front Matter
- Part 1: Introductory Readings
- Part 2: Voices of Actors in the Criminal Justice System
- Part 3: Key Issues in Criminal Justice
- Test Bank