College Algebra with Support, 2nd Edition
Andrea Hendricks
This text is a college level algebra texts that builds upon a range of topics. Includes student study tips, prerequisite skills lessons, exercise sets, and a test bank.

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Table of Contents for College Algebra with Support, 2nd Edition
- Instructor Resources
- Section 1 Prerequisite Skills: Linear Equations
- Section 1 Core Content: Linear Equations
- Section 2 Prerequisite Skills: Linear Inequalities
- Section 2 Core Content: Linear Inequalities
- Section 3 Prerequisite Skills: Quadratic Equations
- Section 3 Core Content: Quadratic Equations
- Section 4 Prerequisite Skills: Rational Equations
- Section 4 Core Content: Rational Equations
- Sections 1 - 4 Review and Review Exercises
- Section 5 Prerequisite Skills: Other Types of Equations
- Section 5 Core Content: Other Types of Equations
- Section 6 Prerequisite Skills: Polynomial Eq and Equations Quadratic in Form
- Section 6 Core Content: Polynomial Equations and Equations Quadratic in Form