Essentials of General Chemistry, 2nd Edition
Kirsten Grant
This textbook provides content for the first semester general chemistry portion of a two semester GOB course sequence. It is for students that have no prior chemistry experience or have taken a high school chemistry course. The concepts are presented in a conversational tone that promotes critical thinking about students’ prior chemistry knowledge from the first paragraph in the introductory chapter. Metaphors, similes, and analogies are expertly used to engage the students’ thought process making challenging abstract concepts more concrete by applying them to their daily lives. The contents have been selected to provide students the essentials of chemical knowledge without compromising on the adequate depth necessary for a strong foundation of general chemistry required to excel in the follow-up orgo/biochem course. This interactive online textbook was written to put all the resources that have been curated over the years into one location for ease of access. Chapters are organized by sections containing reading material, followed by step-by-step instructions to solve word problems, then video lessons, finishing up with gradable practice problems. Video lessons are from some of the most popular chemistry YouTubers including Tyler Dewitt, Chem Academy, Bozeman Science and Crash Course Chemistry. Question banks with hundreds of questions for each chapter can be embedded in the reading material, assigned as extra practice, or used to create exams using Top Hat’s test feature. Finally, encourage your students to access the external online tutorials and worksheet webpages included in each chapter to help them on their journey of learning chemistry.

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Table of Contents for Essentials of General Chemistry, 2nd Edition
- Front Matter
- Chapter 1: Measurements and Calculations in Chemistry
- Chapter 2: Matter and Energy
- Chapter 3: Atoms and the Periodic Table
- Chapter 4: Ionic and Covalent Compounds
- Chapter 5: Gases and the Gas Laws
- Chapter 6: Solutions
- Chapter 7: Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry
- Chapter 8: Chemical Reactions: Energy, Rates and Equilibrium
- Chapter 9: Acids and Bases
- Chapter 10: Nuclear Chemistry
- Chapter Practice Problem Pages
- Chapter Question Banks