Inclusive Public Speaking: Communicating in a Diverse World, Comprehensive Edition
Kristina Ruiz-Mesa, Melissa Broeckelman-Post
Written by two experienced course directors, Inclusive Public Speaking is an innovative textbook that brings diversity and inclusion to the forefront of contemporary topics in the subject matter. From formal class speeches to small groups, dyads, and professional settings, each chapter is infused with engaging and varied expertise. The text is designed to serve students across the nation, using rural, urban, and suburban examples to connect them to familiar situations and to the varied experiences in classrooms throughout the United States. Throughout the text, students are invited to reflect on their intersectional identities, experiences and prior knowledge as the starting place for learning. They are also encouraged to explore how their social positions inform their communication decisions and interactions in the classroom and beyond.

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Table of Contents for Inclusive Public Speaking: Communicating in a Diverse World, Comprehensive Edition
- Welcome to Inclusive Public Speaking!
- Chapter 1: Why Communication Matters
- Chapter 2: Understanding Communication
- Chapter 3: Understanding Public Speaking
- Chapter 4: Presenting Yourself as a Speaker
- Chapter 5: Analyzing and Adapting to a Diverse Audience
- Chapter 6: Designing Messages and Organizing Ideas
- Chapter 7: Finding and Using Evidence
- Chapter 8: Explaining Concepts
- Chapter 9: Advocating and Persuading
- Chapter 10: Being a Critical Consumer of Messages
- Chapter 11: Commemorating Important Events
- Chapter 12: Communicating Successfully in Teams
- Chapter 13: Expressing Disagreement and Managing Conflict

Key features
- Highlights diverse student perspectives and underrepresented voices, using diversity and inclusion as the foundation for which all other communication theories and models are discussed
- Uses multimodal modes of learning, like videos, to increase student engagement
- Each chapter contains test banks and embedded autograded higher level order application questions, providing educators with insight into student understanding