Young Offenders and Youth Justice: A Century After the Fact, 5th Edition
Sandra J. Bell
Previously published by Nelson. How far have we come in 100 years of juvenile justice? Have we changed our thinking about youth crime and our responses to it? To address these broader questions, Young Offenders and Youth Justice takes a historical comparative approach and locates contemporary youth justice issues in a historical context. The primary focus of this new edition includes the workings of the system under the YCJA and how that will be affected by Bill C-10 amendments.Young Offenders and Youth Justice differs in its approach to youth crime and justice in that it is not just a collection of “facts” and “theories” about crime and delinquency, nor is it a book about delinquents or young offenders. Rather, it is about how we think about youth and their behaviour, and about how these views are reflected in public discourse, scholarly theorizing, public policy, and institutional responses to “troublesome” youth behaviour. This material is intended to give students an opportunity to reflect on the realities of other lives and views.This book moves away from a presentation of youth as “perpetrators” of crime and emphasizes in various ways that they are also victims and survivors. Each chapter is organized into topics and issues relevant to that chapter that are then revisited in various places throughout the book. Issues such as violence, homeless-ness, victimization, social injustice, and marginalization are multifaceted issues and therefore are addressed from a number of angles.

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Table of Contents for Young Offenders and Youth Justice: A Century After the Fact, 5th Edition
- Front Matter
- Chapter 1: The Rise and Fall of Delinquency
- Chapter 2: Creating a Juvenile Justice System: Then and Now
- Chapter 3: The "Facts" Of Youth Crime
- Chapter 4: The Social Face of Youth Crime
- Chapter 5: Explaining Crime and Delinquency: In The Beginning
- Chapter 6: Different Directions in Theorizing About Youth Crime and Delinquency
- Chapter 7: Family, Schools, Peers, and the Youth Crime Problem
- Chapter 8: First Contact: Police and Diversionary Measures
- Chapter 9: Going to Court
- Chapter 10: Youth Corrections: Going to Jail
- Chapter 11: Perpetuating Social Injustice
- Chapter 12: A Century After the Fact: What Do We Know? Where Are We Going?
- Back Matter