The Shadow Line: Deviance and Crime in Canada, Fourth Edition

Ian Gomme

Engagingly written and incorporating up-to-date statistics and numerous Canadian examples, The Shadow Line, fourth edition offers a unique and challenging view of deviant and criminal behaviour in Canada. This text makes complicated questions and issues accessible by adopting a straightforward and animated style and by using concrete examples to facilitate comprehension and understanding. To promote learning and retention, chapters are structured similarly and include special-interest topics and illustrations in clearly defined boxes. Each chapter begins with a detailed set of learning objectives and ends with a comprehensive summary and a list of review questions. To encourage students to think independently and to read on their own, each chapter includes discussion questions and a list of recommended readings.

The Shadow Line: Deviance and Crime in Canada, Fourth Edition cover photo

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Table of Contents for The Shadow Line: Deviance and Crime in Canada, Fourth Edition

  • Front Matter
  • Part 1: Defining Deviance and Crime
  • Part 2: Theories of Deviance And Crime
  • Part 3: Measuring Deviance and Crime
  • Part 4: The Practice of Deviance And Crime
  • Back Matter