Showing 357 results for Social Science titles
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Social Science
Introduction to Psychology: Australian Edition
by Meaghan Altman et al.
Introduction to Psychology: Australian Edition presents material such as methods, memory and states of consciousness in an engaging way. As a result, students will be able to understand and synthesise the content better. This book is written with the principles that underlie learning and memory - the goal is to provide an exciting experience for students…
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Introductory Mathematical Economics
by Sunanda Roy
The book is primarily intended for undergraduate economics or applied economics majors transitioning from a possibly non-technical and introductory Principles course into a calculus based intermediate or senior level course in economics. It provides a bridge from college math courses to calculus based intermediate economics. Mathematical techniques…
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Issues in Criminal Justice
by Clete Snell, PhD
Issues in Criminal Justice provides students with an immersive experience in the most complex and controversial topics in the discipline including: police misconduct, wrongful convictions, prison reform, gun violence, and the media and crime. The text covers current events such as the reaction to George Floyd's death, recent police reform initiatives,…
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Local Government in Canada, 9th Edition
by Richard Tindal et al.
Previously published by Nelson. Over the almost 40 years it has been in print, Local Government in Canada has earned a reputation for being a comprehensive, straightforward, and readable text on municipal government in Canada. The book concentrates on providing a factual overview of municipal government developments across Canada. It has always included…
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Making an Impact: Concepts for Creating Social Change
by Jennifer L. Harrison
Making an Impact: Concepts for Creating Social Change is an interactive collection of concepts, theories, and research on topics related to the sociological study of social change. The textbook introduces topics and concepts, guiding students through basic knowledge and understanding of relevant social change concepts such as personal connections to…
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by Deergha Adhikari
Demand analysis, market structures and pricing policies.
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New Society, Ninth Edition
by Robert J. Brym
Previously published by Nelson. New Society is an introductory sociology textbook overseen and edited by bestselling author Robert Brym, with contributed chapters by 15 well-respected sociological experts. Social problems are complex and controversial, and New Society is prided on its ability to build excitement for students around sociology as an academic…
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Observing Young Children: Transformative Inquiry, Pedagogical Documentation, and Reflection, 6th Edition
by Kristine Fenning et al.
The sixth edition of Observing Young Children continues to focus on promoting and encouraging pedagogically sound observation and documentation practices in early childhood settings as a collaborative, meaningful, and reflective learning experience and process. This product encourages students to take time to reflect and inquire through a variety of…
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OpenStax: Sociology
by Openstax Content
Get your students excited about solving sociology problems by engaging them every step of the way with this interactive text by Openstax.
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Other People's Money: Politics of Pennsylvania
by Philip Harold et al.
An introduction to the politics and government of Pennsylvania, focusing on what active citizens need to know of how politics in the Commonwealth actually works. “A comprehensive account of Pennsylvania government and politics.” —G. Terry Madonna, author of Political Pennsylvania: The New Century. “For a state with tremendous historical and…
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Personal and Professional Development for Inquiring Minds
by Emmanuel Ayim, Ph.D
A comprehensive look at personal and professional development for all majors.
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Personality Science: The Science of Human Diversity
by Ulrich Schimmack
This book provides a modern and up-to-date introduction to personality psychology. The first six chapters introduce basic research methods, measurement, structure, stability and predictive validity of behaviour. The next four chapters examine causes of human diversity from evolutionary, biological, environmental, and cultural perspectives. The last…
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