The Statistics Survival Guide - with Microsoft Excel (3rd Ed)
Wendi L. Benson, PhD
The Statistics Survival Guide textbook teaches you how to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data with Microsoft Excel using statistical analyses commonly found in cross-sectional behavioral, social, organizational, and medical research (i.e., chi-square, z-scores, t-tests for a single sample, t-paired, t-independent, one-way ANOVA, correlation, regression, and multiple regression). Chapters include detailed explanations, real-world examples, and knowledge check questions with real-time feedback. Most chapters also include Excel video tutorials (with datasets provided) that walk you through every step of the analysis, demonstrate how to present findings in APA style, and break down results in simple terms.

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Table of Contents for The Statistics Survival Guide - with Microsoft Excel (3rd Ed)
- CH1 (Research Methods Overview)
- CH2 (Measuring Variables)
- CH3 (Using Surveys)
- CH4 (Tables & Graphs)
- CH5 (Descriptive Statistics)
- CH6 (z-scores and Probability)
- CH7 (Hypothesis Testing Overview)
- CH8 (z-tests & t-tests)
- CH9 (t-paired)
- CH10 (t-independent)
- CH11 (ANOVA)
- CH12 (Correlation)
- CH13 (Regression and Multiple Regression)
- CH14 (Chi-Square)