From Grades to Growth:
Ungrading and
Alternative Assessments
Award-winning instructor Jesse Stommel will explore what 'ungrading' really means, along with approaches to assessments that motivate students.
From Grades to Growth: Ungrading and Alternative Assessments
Award-winning instructor Jesse Stommel will explore what 'ungrading' really means, along with approaches to assessments that motivate students.
How does it feel to grade or to be graded? This question usually elicits a visceral response. Stress and anxiety aside, relying on high-stakes assessments to evaluate learning often misses opportunities to provide authentic feedback and encourage the reflection necessary to engage students more deeply in learning.
In this special presentation, award-winning educator and author, Professor Jesse Stommel, challenges viewers to imagine new approaches to assessment that emphasize intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivation. He explores what ‘ungrading’ really means, and how educators can design learning experiences for the least privileged and most marginalized students, so all boats rise with the tide.
Watch the Recording
Watch Now to Learn
- The hidden biases in many of today’s standardized grading and assessment systems
- How to deepen learning through alternative and self-assessment
- Approaches to grading and assessment design that motivate and engage all students

An Urgency of Teachers
Jesse Stommel and co-author Sean Michael Morris explore the trends, techniques, hopes and opportunities that exist to put compassion and curiosity at the center of transformational learning.

About the Speaker
Jesse Stommel, PhD, is an award-winning educator, filmmaker, and the co-founder of the Digital Pedagogy Lab. He has also authored and co-authored several acclaimed books, including An Urgency of Teachers, Disrupting the Digital Humanities, and Critical Digital Pedagogy. As a lifelong student of educational technology and innovative teaching practices, Stommel is an ardent champion for inclusive pedagogy and promoting accessibility, agency and alternative assessments to transform the learning experience for thousands of students.