Organic Chemistry: Mechanistic Patterns 2nd Edition

Bill Ogilvie, Nathan Ackroyd, Scott Browning, Ghislain Deslongchamps, Felix Lee, Effiette Sauer

Organic Chemistry: Mechanistic Patterns is the first introductory organic chemistry title that holistically focuses on a mechanistic approach, one that has proven to achieve a deeper understanding of chemical reactivity. This approach visualizes reactivity as a collection of patterns in electron movement, making it possible for students to describe why a reaction occurred and predict how a chemical will react, even if they have never seen a particular reaction before. The text takes great care to establish a progression of reactivity, from simple to complex, introducing functional groups as necessary, while focusing on the reaction at hand rather than the various things that each functional group does. Including Ghislain Deslongchamps’ acclaimed Organic ChemWare Learning Objects that bring static molecular representations to life, the goal of this textbook is to help students learn to think like chemists so they can be more successful in their studies.

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Table of Contents for Organic Chemistry: Mechanistic Patterns 2nd Edition

  • Front Matter
  • Chapter 1: Carbon and Its Compounds
  • Chapter 2: Anatomy of an Organic Molecule
  • Chapter 3: Molecules in Motion: Conformations by Rotations
  • Chapter 4: Stereochemistry
  • Chapter 5: Organic Reaction Mechanism
  • Chapter 6: Acids and Bases
  • Chapter 7: π Bonds as Electrophiles
  • Chapter 8: π Bonds as Nucleophiles
  • Chapter 9: Conjugation and Aromaticity
  • Chapter 10: Synthesis Using Aromatic Materials
  • Chapter 11: Displacement Reactions on Saturated Carbons
  • Chapter 12: Formation of π Bonds by Elimination Processes
  • Chapter 13: Structure Determination I

Key features

  • Interactive simulations and 3D molecular models help students understand and conceptualize chemical reactions
  • Step-by-step problem solving videos engage students and give them more opportunities to practice and sharpen their knowledge
  • Embedded problems help students stay engaged by identifying common mistakes as they make them