Organic Chemistry Unleashed
Written by award-winning Chemistry professor Dr. Mike Christiansen (of DATBootcamp and YouTube fame), this text makes university sophomore Organic Chemistry easy-to-understand and digestible for everyone, including those who might struggle. In this book, Dr. Mike (an Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry from Utah State University with over 16 years of experience teaching university chemistry) gives instructors and students nearly 1300 videos that cover every concept, as well as an answer video for every in-chapter and end-of-chapter question. The book covers each topic in both written and video form, allowing learners to choose which mode (reading or video-watching) they prefer. Additionally, the book also gives instructors a video explaining how to use the text, along with access to every image, lecture slide, question bank, and source file used to create it (over 1,000 files total), as well as the author's email, for questions and feedback. Welcome to this text! As you read and digest it, you will experience Organic Chemistry Unleashed!

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Table of Contents for Organic Chemistry Unleashed
- Chapter 1: Read This First
- Chapter 2: Bonding and Molecular Geometry
- Chapter 3: Acids and Bases
- Chapter 4: Nomenclature
- Chapter 5: Stereochemistry
- Chapter 6: Alkenes and Alkynes
- Chapter 7: Substitution and Elimination
- Chapter 8: Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides
- Chapter 9: Spectroscopy
- Chapter 10: Free Radical Halogenation and Diels-Alder Reactions
- Chapter 11: Aromatic Compounds
- Chapter 12: Aldehydes and Ketones
- Chapter 13: Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives
- Chapter 14: Alpha Substitution Reactions